Curso General de: Inglés, desarrollo de conversaciones elementales

I. Developing elementary conversations


The English language course for Escuelas Normales is designed to develop students’ ability to communicate effectively in English in contexts that will be important for them. As future teachers in a society where English is increasingly important for engaging successfully with professional and social activities, it is essential that all students develop a good level of proficiency in English. English is growing in importance for accessing information, making useful contacts, understanding other cultures and participating in cultural activities. As UNESCO has said: Linguistic competencies are fundamental for the empowerment of the individual in democratic and plural societies, as they condition school achievement, promote access to other cultures and encourage openness to cultural exchange (UNESCO 2007:13). English is particularly important for students because of its role in multinational communicative settings (Hyland 2011).

From 2012 onwards, the curriculum has included English language within the curriculum map of both undergraduate programs for Pre-school Education and Primary Education, in order to improve the communicate competency of trainee teachers.

From 2018 onwards, the English language course becomes part of the curricular map in every undergraduate program at Teacher Training schools.

This course has three main aims:

1) Develop their ability to use English in personal and social communications, to develop relationships, complete transactions and carry meet everyday needs.

2) Increase their engagement with cultural and intercultural activities in English, in order to develop a better understanding of their own culture as well as other cultures around the world.

3) Develop their ability to teach in a school environment where English is an important aspect of the school’s approach. Schools are expected to use English increasingly for various teaching and learning activities, and future teachers need to be confident in using English in the school environment.

II. Learning Unit I: Pastimes, directions and plans (Level A1.2/Personal

Main competences for Learning

Unit I 1. Exchange information about pastimes (A1.2.1)

2. Ask and give directions to get to places (A1.2.2)

3. Make plans to do things together (A1.2.3)

Talk about pastimes

* Name and write pastimes (e.g., read, listen to music, play sports, go to the movies, dance, exercise, go for a walk, talk to friends, play tennis/golf/football/baseball, play the piano/guitar, etc.)

* Listen to and say statements to indicate frequency (e.g. I run every day / She goes to the movies once a week / He often travels / Sometimes I go to museums / I never go skating, etc.) and time (e.g. I play video games two hours a day / She visits her family every Sunday / We watch TV at the weekend, etc.)

PRONUNCIATION FOCUS: Practice difference between /s/ and /sh/ (e.g. she, see, shopping, singing) GRAMMAR FOCUS: Express regularity of pastimes using the present simple tense with adverbs of frequency 

VOCABULARY FOCUS: Pastimes, games and sports.

Análisis de entrevistas
Análisis de las entrevistas.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 493.2 KB

Learning Unit Objective II.  Ask and give directions to get to places (A1.2.2) 

Share information about places and activities

* Listen to names of places in the community (e.g., clinic, police station, market, restaurant, library, fruit market, drugstore, car park, etc.)

* Discuss places and activities (e.g., I buy fruit and vegetables in the market / I have breakfast at the cafeteria / You can get money at the bank, etc.)

* Use expressions of courtesy (e.g., Excuse me, thank you)

* Ask and answer questions about the location of places using a map (e.g., Where’s the library? It’s next to the post office / Excuse me. Where’s the store? It’s across from the hospital, How do I get to the station? Walk three blocks straight / Is there a market nearby? Yes, there is. It’s across from the hotel, etc.)


Use words and expressions to establish location. Follow directions to get to places

*Express point of origin and destination (e.g., from the office to the park, from the station to the market, etc.)

* Listen to directions (e.g., walk two blocks, turn right at the corner, etc.) Give directions stating distance (e.g., turn left, and walk 50m. The bank is right there, etc.) Ask and give directions to get to places

* Use expressions of courtesy when asking for directions (e.g., Excuse me / Can you help me? / Thank you / You’re welcome / No problem, etc.)

* Ask for confirmation or repetition in an exchange (e.g., Can you say that again, please? / Can you repeat that? / I didn’t understand, etc.)

* Ask and give directions to get to places (e.g., Excuse me, do you know where the drugstore is? Yes, I do. Go straight, turn right at the corner, and continue straight for three blocks. Can you say that again please? For… three… blocks. OK, three blocks. Now, the drugstore is next to the post office / How can I get to the airport? Go back to Main St, go two blocks straight, turn left and continue straight for 20m / Is there a store around here? Yes, there is one across the street, etc.)

Movie presentation
Movie .pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.7 MB

III. Make plans to do things together (A1.2.3) 

Talk about things to do

* Name activities you do with other people (e.g., dance, go to the gym, go for a walk, go out with friends, etc.)

* Talk about future plans in general (e.g., I’m going to study more this year! I’m going to eat more vegetables / spend less time on the Internet / I’m going to learn to dance, etc.).

* Listen to and say dates and times (e.g., tomorrow, tonight, on the weekend, on Friday, in September, on November 1st, on the 3rd, 24 May, etc.)


* Discuss plans a particular date or time (e.g., I’m having dinner with my family on Thursday On Friday I’ve having a party. It’s at 7 pm / I’m going to the gym at 9a.m. / I’m seeing friends on the 17th, etc.)



 Use be going to and the present continuous to express future actions.

Ask and answer questions about plans  Ask questions in different ways (e.g., Are you going to celebrate Valentine’s Day? / Do you want to go out tonight? / What do you feel like doing? / What are you doing on Tuesday?, etc.)

* Answer questions for planning an activity (e.g., Yes, let’s go to a museum on Saturday / We can have a picnic / There’s a party at Mike’s, etc.)

* Ask and answer questions about details (e.g., Where does Mike live? He lives around here. Should we bring anything? Yes, let’s buy some drinks, etc.) Notice the difference between /I/ and /i:/ sounds (e.g., /I/ live, this, dinner, drinks, kitchen, picnic; /i:/ week, me, free, feel,)



Distinguish between /I/ and /i:/ sounds